List of Games by Player included in ASL Player Ratings

Player: Mark Pingley (PYM)    ELO 1286.8See Statistical Summary

Player Att/Def Al/Ax Result Player Att/Def Al/Ax Scenario Date Tourney Change Rating
Jean-François Fortin attacker axis beats Mark Pingley defender allies VOTG14 Pavlov's House 2015-10-30 LEAG2_15 -25.2 1487.8
Bob Tufano defender allies beats Mark Pingley attacker axis WO6 The Heat Is On 2015-06-29 LEAG2_15 -28.9 1513.1
Eric Givler attacker axis beats Mark Pingley defender allies J32 Panzer Graveyard 2015-04-29 LEAG2_15 -12.8 1542
Mark Pingley defender axis beats Jim Traver attacker allies SS 3 2015-02-27 LEAG2_15 8.5 1554.8
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats David Langer defender axis AP78 Crossfire 2014-11-30 LEAG2_14 15.2 1546.3
Mark Pingley defender axis beats Jean-François Fortin attacker allies J1 Urban Guerrillas 2014-08-31 LEAG2_14 15.4 1531.1
Mark Pingley defender axis draws Rob Arrieta attacker allies MLR 9 2014-04-30 LEAG2_14 -5.5 1515.6
Mark Pingley attacker axis beats David Hassler defender allies OA29 The Amy H 2014-02-28 LEAG2_14 9.9 1521.1
Mark Pingley attacker axis beats Ken Dunn defender allies AP61 Desobry Defiant 2013-11-01 LEAG2_13 19.3 1511.2
Pat Palma defender axis beats Mark Pingley attacker allies AP62 Shouting Into the Storm 2013-07-01 LEAG2_13 -19.8 1491.9
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats Chuck Dye defender axis J160 Bienen Burnout 2013-07-01 LEAG2_13 15.2 1511.7
Mark Pingley defender allies beats John Bock attacker axis KGP7 The Bridge at Cheneux 2013-04-30 LEAG2_13 15.1 1496.5
Rick Carter attacker allies beats Mark Pingley defender axis J129 Mountain Hunters 2013-02-28 LEAG2_13 -20.1 1481.4
Jeff Wasserman defender allies beats Mark Pingley attacker axis E Hill 621 2012-02-29 MINE_12 -19.2 1501.5
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats Rick Goheen defender axis AP30 Not Apt to Drag Feet 2012-02-29 MINE_12 17.3 1520.7
Mario Aceto defender axis beats Mark Pingley attacker allies J144 Three for the Third 2011-09-01 TOP_11 -20.5 1503.4
Carl Nogueira attacker axis beats Mark Pingley defender allies J145 Golden Pheasants 2011-09-01 TOP_11 -11.5 1523.9
Mark Pingley defender allies beats Larry Rohlfing attacker axis AP53 Far From Home 2011-07-01 TOP_11 18.3 1535.4
Janusz Maxe defender axis beats Mark Pingley attacker allies J142 Penny Packets 2011-05-01 TOP_11 -14.4 1517.1
Mike Klautky defender allies beats Mark Pingley attacker axis D4 First to Strike 2011-03-01 TOP_11 -15.8 1531.6
Mark Pingley axis beats Alan Bills allies E Hill 621 2010-08-31 MAJOR_10
Jas Bal attacker axis beats Mark Pingley defender allies U22 Road to Kozani Pass 2010-06-30 MAJOR_10
Larry Rohlfing axis beats Mark Pingley allies KGP2 Festung St. Edouard 2010-04-30 MAJOR_10
Mario Aceto axis beats Mark Pingley allies A70 Wintergewitter (atp2 repub.) 2010-02-28 MAJOR_10
Mark Pingley attacker axis beats Rob Arrieta defender allies KGP3 Panthers in the Mist 2009-10-31 MINE_09 11.4 1547.3
Mark Pingley attacker axis beats Rick Hadden defender allies A98 Crossing the Gniloi Tikitsch 2009-08-31 MINE_09 26.6 1535.9
Jim Bishop defender axis beats Mark Pingley attacker allies SSXXX 2009-06-30 MINE_09 -28.9 1509.3
Mark Pingley axis beats Robert Shuster allies PA5 Parry and Strike 2009-04-30 MINE_09 13.1 1538.3
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats Jason Burnette defender axis J41 By Ourselves 2009-02-28 MINE_09 24.7 1525.2
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats Don Holland defender axis AP32 Second Crack at Caumont 2008-10-01 MINE_08 22.1 1500.5
Eric Robida defender axis beats Mark Pingley attacker allies J27 High Tide at Heiligenbeil 2008-08-01 MINE_08 -37.6 1478.4
Mark Pingley attacker allies beats Robert Masters defender axis J100 For a Few Rounds More 2008-06-01 MINE_08 24.3 1516
Robert Shuster defender allies beats Mark Pingley attacker axis J60 Bad Luck 2008-04-01 MINE_08 -33.3 1491.7
Mark Pingley attacker axis beats Whit Richardson defender allies 3 The Czerniakow Bridgehead 2008-02-01 MINE_08 25 1525